
Type of entity

Choose your type of business entity

Single-member LLC or Multi-member LLC

Has the LLC elected to be treated as a corporation?

LLC Election is made by filing Form 8832 with the IRS

Choose LLC state of formation

Are you a US resident?

Choose your country of residence

* Please select a country.

In 2022, how many days were you physically present in the US?

In 2021, how many days were you physically present in the US?

In 2020, how many days were you physically present in the US?

* Enter all mandatory fields.

Select types of your US income

Include all the incomes you or your LLC received from US

* Enter all mandatory fields.

Select your secondary source of US income

Leave this empty if there is none

* Enter a valid income.

Do you or your shipping partner have a warehouse located in the US?

Do you have any physical office in the US?

Your mailing address doesn't count. Only pick yes if you operate a physical office.

Do you have any full-time employees located in the US?

Full-time freelancers or part-time employees are not considered

Are you a resident of Delaware?

Do you have any operations in Delaware?

Do you have at least one LLC member who is a US resident?