How To Start An LLC In Vermont

Vermont is a region that strongly supports small businesses, with over 74,900 small enterprises registered in the state. Of these, 72% operate without employees. Over the past five years, Vermont has seen a significant increase in startup businesses compared to large corporations, with numerous industries experiencing notable growth.

Considering forming an LLC in Vermont for your business? Your first step should be gaining a solid understanding of Vermont’s economy and the fundamental principles of how a limited liability company operates. This knowledge will pave the way for a successful venture


What is LLC?


What are the advantages of an LLC?


What are the disadvantages of an LLC?

LLC Formation

What are the steps to starting an LLC?

Types of LLC

Which type of LLC is ideal for me?

LLC Taxes

What are my tax obligations?


What is the cost of forming an LLC?


How does LLC compare to other business entities?


Frequently asked questions about forming an LLC


What is an LLC?

An LLC (also known as a Limited Liability Company) is a type of business structure that shields its owners from personal responsibilities from taxes, debts, and liabilities. It’s different from a corporation and also from partnerships or sole proprietorships. In fact, an LLC combines the best parts of both corporations, partnerships, and sole proprietorships, making it a great choice for start-ups and small to medium-sized businesses. 

An LLC will allow them to enjoy some of the benefits that bigger businesses have while still following easier and simpler rules. Creating this type of business in Vermont can lead to business success and long-term economic benefits to the owner and members. Additionally, it can play a role in developing underserved areas in the state, which in turn benefits the country on a larger scale.


What Are The Advantages Of Starting A Vermont LLC?

Now that you know what a Limited Liability Company is, let’s talk about why it’s great. Here are a handful of the many factors that make an LLC beneficial to businesses in Vermont:

Tax incentives

If you start a new business in Vermont as an LLC, you can take advantage of several incentive programs offered by the state and its cities. For example, an LLC incorporated in Newport can benefit from programs like Newport City Tax Stabilization, New Markets Tax Credit Program (NMTC), and The Downtown Designation Program. There are also initiatives like the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) and Research and Development Tax Credits designed to support newly established businesses in the region.

Vermont Employment Growth Incentive (VEGI)

Executed by the Agency of Commerce and Community Development of the State of Vermont, VEGI is an incentive program that offers cash incentives to registered companies based on specific performance standards. Companies qualify by achieving certain benchmarks, including increased payroll, creating qualified positions, and making capital investments. The cash payments they receive are directly tied to the revenue they generate. When approved, businesses receive these payments over a span of years as a reward for meeting the program’s goals. Once you register your business as an LLC, you can apply for the VEGI.

Vermont Opportunity Zone program

Certain areas in Vermont are designated as Opportunity Zones (OZ), which are regions facing economic challenges. These zones offer tax advantages to investors. The purpose of the opportunity zone program is to support business expansion or relocation into these areas. Creating an LLC within a Vermont Opportunity Zone can provide the owner with access to various tax benefits and incentives.

Flexible profit distribution

If your LLC is multi-member, know that the business’s structure provides more flexibility in distributing revenues compared to a partnership. This means that owners always have the freedom to decide how the profits and income are divided among the members based on their agreed-upon terms. This flexibility will allow your business to tailor its revenue distribution in a way that best suits your goals and the contributions of each member.

Limited liability

The limited liability protection an LLC business structure provides can be quite advantageous to an LLC owner in Vermont. In the event your future business faces legal issues, debt, or other financial obligations, your personal assets are shielded from potential claims. This separation of liabilities can provide you with a lot of peace of mind, allowing you to operate without the constant fear of jeopardizing your finances.


What Are The Disadvantages Of Starting A Vermont LLC?

Of course, if there are advantages to owning an LLC in Vermont, then there must also be some disadvantages. Below are some key things to consider:


Like any other state, starting an LLC in Vermont is not as cost-friendly as it is to form and maintain a sole proprietorship and/or partnership. For example, you need to appoint a registered agent service, which comes with its own expense. State and Federal Governments also impose additional taxes for setting up and registering an LLC in Vermont.

What’s fortunate, however, is that while many states also impose ongoing fees (such as annual reports and franchise tax fees), this is not the case in Vermont.

Transferable ownership

Transfer of ownership in an LLC is complicated in every state, including Vermont. For instance, all members need to agree unanimously when adding new members or altering ownership. This process is often simpler for corporations, as they have an advantage over LLCs in this aspect. Additionally, an LLC’s dissolution can happen relatively easily if a member passes away. It’s important to outline all your procedures for changing company ownership as outlined in the Articles of Organization, so it won’t cause any complications in the future.

LLC Formation

How To Form An LLC In Vermont?

Below are the steps you need to follow to create an LLC in Vermont:

  1. Choose a unique name for your business
  2. Choose a registered agent in Vermont
  3. Prepare and file a Certificate Of Organization
  4. Receive a Certificate from the state
  5. Create an Operating Agreement
  6. Get an EIN
  7. File annual reports

Choose a unique name for your business

To form an LLC in Vermont, you must choose a business name—all the while abiding by the state’s naming regulations. For example, your LLC name must include the words “Limited Liability Company” or the abbreviated form “LLC” or “L.L.C” before it can be approved. LLC names should also not include certain words that might confuse them with government organizations such as State, FBI, treasury, CIA, etc. Moreover, in order to include certain terms in your LLC name, such as a lawyer, bank, credit union, etc., you need additional paperwork along with various licensing procedures.

But most importantly: your chosen name must be unique and not taken by any other business entity in the state. You can check your name’s availability on the Secretary of State’s website. If you have doubts, are undecided on a final name, or worry that it might already be taken, you have the option to temporarily reserve the name. In Vermont, you can reserve your name for up to 120 days by submitting the proper forms to the state government.

Hire A Registered Agent

The State of Vermont requires an LLC owner to employ a registered agent. This person or business is responsible for receiving and managing legal and official documents on behalf of the LLC. Furthermore, this person or business entity must be a Vermont resident or a company doing business there. This is because they must have a Vermont street address and be available to accept official documents there during regular business hours.

Prepare and file a Certificate Of Organization

The next step in establishing an LLC in Vermont is filing a Certificate of Organization with the Vermont State Corporate Commission. This holds paramount importance in correctly registering your LLC in the state. A Certificate of Organization, also known as the Articles of Organization, contains basic information about your LLC and its members and managers and helps officially establish it. 

More specifically, it should contain the following:

  • The name of the LLC and its address.
  • The registered agent’s name and residing address.
  • A reason for the establishment of the LLC as a general statement.
  • Duration of the LLC such that if the LLC is organized for a specific period to fulfill a specific purpose, it should be mentioned here.
  • Professional services offered by the LLC (if any).
  • Names and addresses of members, managers, and professional employees associated with the LLC.
  • Clarification on whether it is a low-profit or professional LLC. 

You can submit the certificate online by uploading a signed PDF or by sending it through postal mail. Once you’ve filed it, the Secretary of State will review the certificate. If it’s accepted, your LLC will officially become a legally recognized business entity.

Receive a Certificate from the state

After your LLC’s formation documents are submitted and accepted, the state will provide you with a certificate attesting to your company’s legal existence. A copy of your LLC’s Articles of Organization will be sent by email or standard mail from the Vermont Secretary of State once it has been stamped and authorized. This certificate makes your LLC eligible to acquire an Employer Identification Number (EIN), a business bank account, and various licenses.

Create an Operating Agreement

The many tasks that the LLC’s members and staff play are described in Operating Agreements. It serves as the foundation for your company’s operations and aids in determining its goals. You do not need to present the document to the Secretary of State, as it is internal.

Vermont Operating Agreements detail the various roles and responsibilities of an LLC’s members and staff. They establish the core principles of your company’s operations and help set its objectives. Unlike external filings, an Operating Agreement is an internal document and doesn’t need to be submitted to the Secretary of State.

We’ve mentioned this above, but although an Operating Agreement is not required for an LLC in Vermont, it plays a vital role in the smooth functioning of your business and can be crucial in resolving potential legal conflicts.

Your Operating Agreement should include the following:

  • LLC’s name and address
  • Duration of the LLC
  • Purpose of the business
  • Name and residence of the registered agent
  • Members and their contribution
  • Information about the Certificate of Organization
  • Methods of the division of profits and losses
  • Procedure for admitting new members, as well as outgoing members
  • Management of the LLC
  • Indemnification and liability clauses

Get An Employer Identification Number (EIN)

An EIN is provided by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This number lets your company open separate business bank accounts, handle tax-related matters, and hire employees. You can easily obtain an EIN by filling out an online application on the IRS website.

Further steps to maintain an LLC in Vermont

After registering their LLC, the owner is granted authority to conduct business activities in the state. A legally registered LLC has to stay compliant with state and federal taxation and obtain various permits and licenses for smooth operation. More steps include:

  • Create a bank account for your company.
  • Get a business credit card by applying.
  • Make an insurance purchase for your company.
  • Use a trademark to defend your company name and assets.

All LLCs in Vermont are also required to file an annual report between January 1st and March 31st every year. You can easily file these reports online. Otherwise, a postal mail option is also available, but the application must be filled out online, and the standard mail option must be selected in order to do that.

Types of LLC

Which type of LLC is ideal for me?

In Vermont, there are several types of Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) available to choose from depending on your business needs. An LLC is a popular business structure as it combines the flexibility and simplicity of a partnership with the liability protection of a corporation. To help you understand the different types of LLCs available in Vermont, I’ll provide a brief explanation of each type:

  1. Single-member LLC: This is the most straightforward type of LLC, as it is owned by just one individual. In a single-member LLC, the owner is responsible for all business decisions and management, and their personal assets are protected from the company’s liabilities.
  2. Multi-member LLC: As the name suggests, a multi-member LLC has two or more owners, known as “members”. This type of LLC can be managed either by its members or by appointed managers. Multi-member LLCs provide the same liability protection as single-member LLCs, while also allowing for shared decision-making and responsibilities among the members.
  3. Manager-managed LLC: In a manager-managed LLC, one or more managers, who may or may not be members, are appointed to oversee the day-to-day operations of the company. This type of management structure is often preferred when some members want to be passive investors, leaving the management to others with more expertise or interest in the daily operations.
  4. Member-managed LLC: In a member-managed LLC, all members are involved in the daily management and decision-making of the company. This type of management structure works well for small businesses where members have a hands-on approach and want to be actively involved in running the business.
  5. Professional LLC (PLLC): This type of LLC is designed for licensed professionals, such as doctors, lawyers, architects, and accountants. A PLLC offers the same liability protection as a regular LLC, but with the added requirement that all members must be licensed professionals in their respective fields.
  6. Series LLC: This is a unique type of LLC that allows for the creation of separate “series” within the main company. Each series can have its own assets, members, and managers, and operates independently from the others. This structure is beneficial for businesses with multiple divisions or product lines that need to be segregated for liability or management purposes.

When choosing the right type of LLC for your business in Vermont, it’s essential to consider factors such as the number of owners, management structure, and the nature of your business. It’s always a good idea to consult with an attorney or a business consultant to help you make the best decision for your specific situation.

LLC Taxes

How Are Vermont LLC Taxed?

Like every registered business, LLCs have taxes to pay. Below are the ones you need to be concerned about:

State Income Tax 

Every LLC that conducts business inside the borders of Vermont is obligated to pay state fees. These fees are based on your LLC’s profits and are part of your duties as an LLC owner. You’ll also need to file an income tax return for these earnings. Vermont calculates this tax using its standard income tax rates, which can vary from 3.55% to 9.4%, depending on how much you earn.

State Sales And Use Tax

Unless there’s a specific exemption in place, tangible personal items that are sold to consumers in Vermont are subject to a sales tax. The current rate for this sales tax is 6%. When someone buys such items, they need to pay both the sales tax and an equivalent amount called the Vermont Use Tax.

Bank And Franchise Tax 

Banks and other financial institutions operating in Vermont are required to pay the Bank Franchise Tax. This tax is calculated on a monthly basis and is determined by considering the average monthly deposits made over the previous 12 months.

Federal Self-Employment Tax

Every LLC profit holder is required to pay the self-employment tax. This type of tax is administered by the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), which is the entity that provides benefits like Social Security and Medicare. In Vermont, the self-employment tax is 15.3%. When calculating the amount of self-employment tax you owe, you can subtract some of your business expenses from the total revenue you’ve generated. This helps determine the final amount you need to pay.

Federal Income Tax

In Vermont, your LLC profits are subject to federal income taxes in addition to the state income tax. The specific amount of income tax you owe depends on factors like your filing status, total income, any allowances you have, and your tax bracket. It’s important to note that only the profits of your LLC are subject to federal income tax. However, various tax exemptions and deductions, such as business expenses and contributions to retirement plans, are not included in the taxable amount.

Employer And Employee Tax

The owner has the right to deduct and withhold the amount equal to state income tax from any wages paid to employees working for the LLC. This ensures that the required state income tax is accounted for and collected directly from the employee’s earnings, simplifying the tax process for both the employees and the LLC. You can only hire employees if your LLC has an EIN.


How Much Does A Vermont LLC Cost?

If you’re curious about LLC costs, here’s a quick rundown:


  • When applying online for a Certificate of Organization with the Vermont Secretary of State, the state charges a $125 filing fee. The documents are processed within one day when filed online and seven to ten days when sent in via standard mail.
  • As said earlier, reserving your name before creating an LLC gives you some breathing room to address your uncertainties without being concerned about someone else claiming your name. You must pay a $20 filing fee to apply for this.
  • An LLC operating in Vermont may require federal, state, and municipal permits and licenses, just like any other business structure. Depending on your location, the kind of business you run, and the services you provide, these licenses could come with various fees.
  • A Certificate of Good Standing demonstrates the existence of your Vermont LLC and confirms that it complies with all legal requirements. It can be ordered through the Secretary of State, with a one-time fee of $25.
  • In order to expand your business into Vermont from another state, a fee of $125 is charged for filing for a Certificate of Authority.

There is also a $50 filing fee when you’re filing an application for an LLC trade name or DBA. The trade or assumed name should be renewed every five years with an additional $40.


  • Hiring a registered agent to handle your legal matters is also added. A registered agent for an LLC can be hired in various packages, and their pay is based on their experience level and the needs of your business.
  • Every year, Vermont LLCs need to submit an annual report within three months after the year ends. This report comes with a filing fee of $35

LLC Costs

Vermont LLC Filing Fee


Name Reservation (optional)


Registered Agent Fee


Vermont Annual Report Fee


Business License (if applicable)


Employer Identification Number (EIN)



Is LLC The Best Entity For Me?

Maybe, LLC isn’t the right entity for you. Maybe it is a C-Corp. Only way to find out is to directly compare them all.

LLC vs Corporation (C-Corp)

Sole proprietorships and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) are two of the most common business entities for individuals and small businesses. Learn what differentiates the two today.

Read in detail

LLC vs Corporation (C-Corp)

LLC vs S-Corp

Not sure what business structure to choose? Learn about the key differences between LLC and S-Corp today.

Read in detail

LLC vs S-Corp

LLC vs Sole Proprietorship

The primary difference is that an LLC provides limited liability protection for its owners, while a sole proprietorship does not.

Read in detail

LLC vs Sole Proprietorship


Frequently Asked Questions About Starting An LLC In Vermont

Here are the most commonly asked questions about forming an LLC business in the state of Vermont:

An LLC in Vermont must pay State and Federal Income Taxes. Additionally, the LLC must also pay State Sales & Use Tax, Bank and Franchise Tax, Federal Self-employment Tax, and Employer & Employee Tax.

In Vermont, there isn’t a single comprehensive business license that covers all industries. Instead, businesses need to focus on specific registrations related to taxes and sales through the Department of Taxes or Secretary of State. Various agencies and committees oversee occupational and professional licensing requirements in the state.

Once you’ve submitted the initial paperwork to form an LLC, it usually takes a day to process online submissions. For submissions through standard mail, it usually takes a bit longer (about seven to ten business days) for the processing to be finalized.


Establishing any new business in any state poses its own pros and cons. When it comes to Vermont, its track record of supporting and propelling small businesses to remarkable success makes it a promising choice for forming an LLC. The perks of an LLC, or Limited Liability Company, add to its appeal for business owners, offering benefits like limited liability protection and adaptable management options. 

Vermont’s track record of supporting successful small enterprises further enhances the attractiveness of forming an LLC in the state. This business structure provides valuable features such as continuous operation, succession planning, and the potential for enhanced privacy, making it a smart choice for budding entrepreneurs and small business proprietors across Vermont.