US Phone Number for your Business

StartGlobal will set you up with beautiful invoicing fully in your brand and payments from day one. You can onboard your existing business to StartGlobal or setup a new one with us. Accounting and taxes are optional, but available to assist you during tax season.


Everything to Manage your US Phone


Virtual Phone Number

Virtual US Phone Number for your business that can be used anywhere in the world.


Call Forwarding

All your calls to the US number will be forwarded to your local number anywhere in the world.


SMS to Email

SMS on the US phone number will be automatically converted into an email and sent to you.


Cancel Anytime

You can cancel your phone number with StartGlobal anytime after the annual contract.

Phone Number Pricing

Everything Included

  • Call Forwarding to Local Number
  • Cancel Anytime
  • 30 Minutes Talk Time
  • No Extra Monthly Payments
  • SMS to Email
  • Easy Recharge

Annual Pricing


Already have an LLC?

Let’s start Managing your LLC with StartGlobal


LLC Formation

Setup and manage your state filings, registered agents, notices, and everything legal to stay compliant in all 50 states.

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LLC Maintenance Plan

Tired of unpredictable pricing? Here is a one plan to manage the back office of your LLC.

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Transparent Pricing

Our USP is getting you a predictable pricing to start and manage your LLC.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Understanding and Managing Your US Phone Number

The US number operates on a VOIP protocol, with providers like Twilio. SMS is forwarded to your email, and calls are directed to your local phone number. Outgoing calls and messages are not supported.

There is no specific telecom provider associated with your US phone number.

No SIM cards are involved in the US phone number service.

Yes, you can purchase the US phone number service later. Simply log in to your StartGlobal dashboard, navigate to Communication, and then Phone.

The annual fee for our US phone number service is $99.

Yes, recipients of your calls will see your local phone number. Unfortunately, outgoing calls cannot be made with the US phone number.

To obtain a new US phone number after expiration, log in to the StartGlobal dashboard, navigate to Communication, and then Phone. The purchase can be made here for $99/year.

An expired US phone number indicates that the annual $99 subscription has not been renewed. You can resubscribe on our platform to generate a new US phone number.

To recharge your US number, log in to the StartGlobal dashboard, go to Communication, and then Phone. Recharge options are available for any desired amount.

After expiration, the US phone number enters a cooling period before potential reassignment. You can retrieve it as long as it hasn’t been reassigned to another user during this period.

Alex Parkinson

Head of Support, StartGlobal

We’re here to help

We take pride in answering all questions in less than 24 hours on a weekday. Still got questions about how our process works? Want to know what kind of company suits best for you? Questions about running business in the US? Write to us!