What Is An LLC Operating Agreement?
The term “LLC” stands for “Limited Liability Company.” It’s a widely favored business structure for startups today. It blends the simplicity of sole proprietorships with the safeguarding potential of corporations. Moreover, this structure is adaptable, offering easy management and favorable taxation options, making it a versatile choice that captures the benefits of various business types.
In order for an LLC’s owners, called members, to maximize all of the advantages of the business structure, they need to create a document called an Operating Agreement.
An Operating Agreement functions like a company owner’s manual for your LLC. It outlines key details about your company, its members, goals, and strategies for achieving objectives. This document is crucial to your LLC’s functions and is necessary for your company’s growth. Your new LLC needs to have an Operating Agreement so that it can govern itself no matter how many members it has, even after some of them have left the company.
Does Florida require all LLCs to have an Operating Agreement?
Florida does not require an LLC to have an Operating Agreement. However, it’s worth noting that the internal document will be very helpful for your LLC, especially if you have many members. Single-member LLCs benefit much from an Operating Agreement, most especially.
What Are The Advantages Of An Operating Agreement In Florida?
Operating Agreements bring a host of benefits to LLCs that have them. Here’s a quick look at what you can get from having one:
It guarantees limited liability protection
An Operating Agreement can be used as a document to separate an LLC from its members. This limits the members’ liabilities over the company’s debts and other responsibilities. Courts will honor the Operating Agreement and will not require members to pay for the company’s dues using any other thing under their name.
It streamlines your business’s processes
A carefully written Operating Agreement contains descriptions of your company’s goals, providing detailed instructions on how you can achieve those targets. This simplifies your processes. The instructions and guidelines in the document help you avoid making unnecessary decisions.
It helps avoid confusion and settle disputes
The instructions outlined in the Operating Agreement help clarify your business’s internal processes. This minimizes the risk of confusion and helps prevent potential disputes that may arise as you go along your day-to-day routines. And when problems and arguments do happen, the document also includes guidelines on how you can solve them.
It strengthens accountability among members
Before the Operating Agreement can be used, all of your LLC’s members need to read it and agree with its provisions and guidelines. Once signed, it becomes legally binding, holding all signatories accountable. Anyone who breaches the Agreement’s terms after signing can face legal consequences, even in court.
It allows you to run your business your way
Before the Operating Agreement can be used, all of your LLC’s members need to read it and agree with its provisions and guidelines. Once signed, it becomes legally binding, holding all signatories accountable. Anyone who breaches the Agreement’s terms after signing can face legal consequences, even in court.
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How Much Is A Florida LLC Operating Agreement?
An Operating Agreement costs nothing, especially if you’re the one who prepared it. You don’t need to notarize it or submit it to the Florida Secretary of State, meaning you won’t pay any filing fees for it either.
You will only need to spend for your Operating Agreement if you ask a lawyer for help in drafting one. If you do, be prepared to spend up to around $700 for their professional assistance.
What Are The Limitations Of An Operating Agreement In Texas?
Operating Agreements are very helpful to LLCs, but they have some limitations preventing them from doing certain things. Here’s a quick look:
An Operating Agreement has no control over unforeseen circumstances
Although a well-crafted Operating Agreement can help you avoid numerous issues, it can’t foresee every unexpected situation. It can only help you prepare and deal with them when they happen.
An Operating Agreement does not empower you to violate state laws
Although your Operating Agreement allows you to override state laws mandating how LLCs are governed, it cannot be used as an excuse to go against existing regulations. These regulations can be found in Florida Statutes Chapter 605, otherwise known as the Florida Revised Limited Liability Company Act.
Chapter 605 contains a number of rules that govern LLCs within the state. These include statutes regulating membership transfers, filing lawsuits against erring members, and so on. Those who create an Operating Agreement must read Chapter 605 to ensure that any specific provision made for the company abides by existing laws.
An Operating Agreement can still be violated
An Operating Agreement contains detailed instructions on how your company does things. However, it’s up to the members to decide whether to adhere to these instructions. If the document is not well-crafted and comprehensive, a member might intentionally breach its rules. Watch out for any loopholes that can be exploited.
What Should You Include In A Florida LLC Operating Agreement?
The Operating Agreement serves as your company’s manual, informing both old and new members about its identity, purposes, and internal procedures. It should contain details identifying your LLC and its members and explaining its goals and how it can achieve its targets.
For example, your LLC’s Operating Agreement must contain the following:
Your LLC’s name and address
Your LLC’s purposes and duration
Details about your LLC’s membership. This means the names, addresses, positions, and ownership percentages of each member
Your LLC’s management structure
The roles and responsibilities of every member
Guidelines regarding the distribution of profits and losses
Guidelines on meetings and voting sessions
Details about your record-keeping and financial reporting system
Guidelines regarding limitation of liability and indemnification
Guidelines on your dispute resolution process
Provisions for amendments and modifications
Provisions for severability
Guidelines for dissolution and winding up
The document must also provide thorough insights into its procedures, ensuring clarity about the company’s operations for all involved.
How To Form An Operating Agreement
Now, let’s discuss how you will form your LLC’s Operating Agreement. You must make extra effort to ensure it will cover all aspects of your company. This means considering all the relationships between members, your company’s finances, and how things should be done inside your organization.
To do this, you need to consider your company size, the industry it belongs to, what you will offer to your clients, and how you actually want to run your business. Thinking about the potential issues that may arise will also help.
Your LLC’s information
Start by providing details that could be used to identify your LLC. Include the following:
- Your LLC’s registered name
- Your LLC’s registered business address
- Your Registered Agent’s name and address
These details serve to establish your company’s identity. They also introduce the person who will be responsible for receiving legal documents and interacting with the state of Florida on your company’s behalf.
Your LLC’s purposes and duration
Next, dedicate a section to discuss the reasons why you formed your LLC with the state of Florida. These purposes serve as goals for your company. Within this section, clearly outline your LLC’s intended duration—whether it will conclude operations upon accomplishing its mission or persist with new ownership. Failing to declare your LLC’s duration means it will shut down by default after reaching its goal.
Your LLC’s membership details
After that, provide information about your LLC’s current members, specifically the ones who contributed to the company’s formation. Make sure to include the following:
- Their names
- Their addresses
- Their capital contributions
- Their ownership percentages
Your Operating Agreement also needs to discuss the process of withdrawing one’s membership from your LLC. It must also specify the conditions and consequences for withdrawal.
Your LLC’s Management Structure
Specify what kind of management structure you and your co-members want for your LLC. It’s important to indicate this in your Operating Agreement because it will determine the roles the members play. There are only two options to choose from: member-managed and manager-managed.
In this setup, the members and/or owners are the ones personally managing or running the LLC. They play an active role in the company’s daily activities and do not need to hire a manager.
In this setup, the members select and appoint a manager who will oversee the LLC’s daily operations. The manager does not need to be a member of the said company—they can be an outsider hired for the task.
The roles and responsibilities of members
At this point, you will need to indicate the roles each member has and the responsibilities they are assigned with. This part serves to properly specify the tasks and responsibilities every member has been given. It also prevents potential managerial misunderstandings and confusion.
Guidelines on profit and loss distribution
Your Operating Agreement must include clear guidelines on how profits and losses are distributed among its members. These are usually divided according to ownership percentages. Without these guidelines, your company will be at a loss as to how the revenues and losses should be shared among the members of your LLC, leading to disputes about finances.
Guidelines on meetings and voting sessions
In this section, outline specific instructions on how your company will schedule and conduct meetings and voting sessions for various reasons. After all, your company needs to hold meetings to provide updates regarding the business and to also discuss matters related to your LLC’s progress. These guidelines will help you conduct meetings and voting sessions properly, allowing you to make more organized decisions for the business.
Your record-keeping and financial reporting system
Provide a clear description of your LLC’s accounting system. Describe how your company keeps track of records, monitors transactions, and provides reports about your financial status. Details about your LLC’s tax treatment, as well as your fiscal year, must be provided as well.
Guidelines regarding limitation of liability and indemnification
Your Operating Agreement needs to include specific provisions limiting the responsibilities that members have over the LLC’s liabilities. This will protect your and your co-members’ personal assets from being pursued by the court if your LLC loses a lawsuit. You must also include specific provisions for repaying or reimbursing a member who spends personal funds on behalf of the company.
Guidelines for dispute resolution
In this section, explain how your company must deal with disputes that arise during the course of business. Instructions for resolving conflicts, as well as potential mediation, should be included here as well.
Provisions for amendments and modifications
As your LLC grows, you will see the need to modify or update your Operating Agreement so that it can keep up with changes in how you do business. For this, you need to insert provisions allowing amendments or modifications to the initial document. Having this will allow you to keep updating your Operating Agreement to suit your needs.
Provisions for severability
You should also insert a severability clause. This clause allows you to remove certain provisions that have been found invalid, illegal, or deemed unenforceable due to a court ruling without affecting other parts of the Operating Agreement.
This provision is very important, considering how your Operating Agreement allows you to override Florida’s laws. Once you get into lawsuits and the court discovers that you have an internal rule that contradicts state regulations, your severability clause will allow you to remove that illegal guideline from your Operating Agreement.
Another situation where this provision comes into play is when your LLC achieves its goal but does not dissolve because it has been passed on to a new set of members. They can modify your existing Operating Agreement and remove provisions that no longer apply without having to create an entirely new agreement.
Guidelines for dissolution and winding up
Unless otherwise specified, LLCs are meant to close after achieving their goals. Your Operating Agreement must provide guidelines for dissolving the company and settling matters before it completely closes. These guidelines are meant to help you during the dissolution process, allowing you to liquidate assets and distribute them to the remaining members.
Why is an operating agreement needed?
Enforceable in Court
The terms outlined in a written LLC operating agreement is usually enforceable in a court of Law.
Opening Bank account
Certain financial institutions require you to produce an operating agreement to verify whether you have “signing power” for the LLC.
Avoid disputes
If the terms of compensation, roles, and responsibilities are mentioned in the operating agreement, it avoids disputes among LLC members in the future.
Preserve limited liability status
Especially if you are a single-member LLC, having an operating agreement helps ensure your liability status is upheld in court.
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Frequently asked questions
No. Florida does not require LLCs to have Operating Agreements regardless of the size of their membership. Not having one, however, deprives you of its many benefits, including being able to run your company according to your preferences.
No. Operating Agreements in Florida do not expire and do not need to be renewed occasionally. You can make changes to them as you see fit, however. Just make sure to include provisions allowing modifications when you create your first draft.
No. Your Operating Agreement is an internal document that doesn’t need to be submitted to the Florida Secretary of State for approval. All you need to do is make a few copies, have the members sign them, and distribute them to everyone in the company.
No. While Florida doesn’t require your LLC to have an Operating Agreement, it does have some statutes requiring you to include certain information if you ever create one. However, the document and its contents will not be included in the state’s public records.