How To Start An LLC In Idaho

Starting a limited liability company in Idaho might initially seem challenging. However, with the right information and guidance, you can successfully establish your own LLC in Idaho. There are several factors to consider, such as Idaho tax regulations and various formation costs. To help make the process easier, we’ve compiled all the essential information you need in this guide.


What is LLC?


What are the advantages of an LLC?


What are the disadvantages of an LLC?

LLC Formation

What are the steps to starting an LLC?

Types of LLC

Which type of LLC is ideal for me?

LLC Taxes

What are my tax obligations?


What is the cost of forming an LLC?

Starting a Business

What business should I start in the state?


How does LLC compare to other business entities?


Frequently asked questions about forming an LLC


What is an LLC?

Limited liability company (or LLC) owners are not individually liable for the debts and liabilities of the company, in contrast to typical corporations. The owners of a limited liability corporation are not required to give up their personal property in bankruptcy. One of the main advantages is that limited liability companies don’t directly pay taxes on their revenues. Instead, earnings and losses are disclosed on the member’s tax returns.

The ability to own a limited liability business is generally unrestricted by law. This implies that everyone, including other firms and international corporations, is welcome to participate. However, some businesses, like banks and insurance companies, cannot legally form as limited liability companies.

An LLC is a contract that, to be enforceable, must be acknowledged on the organization’s articles of formation by both the forming state and the owner. A business is started at the state level by submitting an article of incorporation, which is a legal document.

An LLC’s primary goal is to protect its owners from direct liability for the company’s debts. However, fraud may occasionally occur. The creditors may be able to go after the members and hold them personally accountable if it is shown that they committed fraud or if they are unable to provide their legal reports.


Advantages Of an LLC In Idaho

There are multiple advantages and disadvantages of starting a limited liability company. However, these advantages can depend entirely on which state you are in. Some of the advantages of starting an LLC in Idaho include the following:

Limited personal liability

One of the key advantages of having an LLC is that it has limited liability, which prevents the owners from being held liable for the company’s debts or personal assets in case of a lawsuit or bankruptcy. This is one of the key reasons why most people choose to create an LLC over a regular corporation with a different business structure.

Leveraging business incentive programs in Idaho for new LLCs

Once you decide to start an LLC in Idaho, you will be able to qualify for various business incentive programs, which can be a great help for newer businesses in Idaho. Some of these programs include the small employer new jobs credit.

Maximizing tax credits and incentives

If a startup or a small company is to create more jobs, they can receive anywhere from 1500$-3000$ in tax credits per job that they create. Moreover, Idaho also offers small employer capital investment credit, which means that if a small business purchases any equipment in Idaho, it can receive up to 3.75 percent income tax credits.

Affordable LLC formation costs

Another great advantage of establishing your LLC in Idaho is that the costs of forming an LLC are fairly low in Idaho. The formation cost in Idaho is 100$, which is fairly less compared to other states.

The pass-through taxation benefit for Idaho LLCs

LLCs are recognized as pass-through taxation corporations in Idaho since they are not subject to double taxation. The taxation of business earnings is referred to as double taxation. The percentage of firm profits that belongs to the owners and investors is also subject to personal taxation.


Disadvantages of Starting an Idaho LLC

The disadvantages of opening an LLC in Idaho are far less compared to the state’s advantages. Some of these disadvantages may include the following:

The challenge of tax liability on unrealized earnings for LLC members

Members may be required to pay individual taxes on their allocated shares, even if they haven’t received the actual earnings yet. This can pose a significant challenge, as all shareholders are liable for taxes on their shares, regardless of whether they receive profits or the number of owners involved.

Potential conflicts and decision-making challenges in multi-member Idaho LLCs

Another drawback of owning an Idaho LLC is that if there are multiple members or owners, there may be disagreements over decisions made regarding the firm because each member must concur for the decision to be valid. This can result in numerous conflicts.

Navigating ownership transfer challenges in Idaho LLCs

Another notable disadvantage of opening an Idaho LLC is that transferring ownership is a challenging task to administer. To transfer the ownership of an LLC in Idaho, each separate owner or member should agree. Even if one were to disagree, that could prevent the decision to transfer ownership, leading to disagreements and internal problems among the members of the LLC.

Evaluating formation and ongoing costs for LLCs vs. other business entities

There is an additional price charged for formation along with annual report fees and franchise tax expenses, so if you compare founding an LLC to forming any other corporation, it might cost more. From state to state, these prices change. So it is preferable to examine the costs with your state secretary’s office.

LLC Formation

How to Form an LLC in Idaho

Starting an LLC from scratch is a very hard task. However, it is quite simple compared to starting a corporation with a different structure. There are only a few steps that you must follow to start your Idaho LLC successfully. These steps include:

  1. Choose a unique name for your business
  2. Choose a registered agent in Idaho
  3. File your Articles of Organization
  4. Receive the State Certificate
  5. Prepare an Operating Agreement
  6. Acquire an EIN

Choose a unique name for your business

The first step in creating an LLC in Idaho is selecting a company name. However, there are other name conventions that you must adhere to:

  • Your LLC and any other Idaho-registered entity cannot have the same name.
  • Your business name must contain the letters LLC, which stands for limited liability company.
  • It’s critical to reserve the name in advance in case someone else registers your LLC’s name before you do.
  • If you refer to yourself as an “attorney” or “lawyer,” further legal documents might be required.
  • No terms for governmental agencies, such as the CIA, FBI, etc., may be used in the name.

Another very important thing is to reserve your business name and business URL in case someone tries to legally register those before you do.

Choose a registered agent in Idaho

Since it is a requirement, you must choose a registered agent for your LLC in Idaho. A registered agent is a worker whom an organization hires to receive and manage all pertinent official and legal documents from the government. 

The registered agent for your business may be a private individual or an outside entity. You may designate a representative of your organization to act as the registered agent. A registered agent must, nevertheless, abide by the following requirements:

  • You must ensure that if you choose an entity to represent your LLC, the entity you choose must offer the services of registered agents.
  • The agent must have a registered office in the state.
  • The registered agent must receive all business documents during business hours.

File your Articles of Organization

Given that it is necessary, your articles of organization must be submitted to Idaho. A legal document known as the article of organization establishes your LLC by providing all the necessary information about your business. Before establishing an LLC, it’s critical to complete all of your documentation. 

Due to the lack of information required for your LLC, submitting the articles of organization is simple. The article should be filed with Idaho State Secretary. The cost of filing articles of organization is $100 in Idaho. The Secretary of State will also examine your organization’s articles after you have filed them.

Receive the State Certificate

Once you have completed these steps, Idaho will send you a certificate confirming the establishment of your LLC and confirming that it is registered in Idaho. With the aid of this certificate, you will be able to open a business bank account and obtain an employer identification number.

Prepare an Operating Agreement

The Idaho operating agreement sets down the general business operations of your limited liability corporation. An operating agreement need not be filed in Idaho. However, you must produce one of these official documents to guarantee smooth operations. 

It is crucial to the operation of an LLC You can resolve any financial disagreements by signing an operating agreement. Without an operating agreement, the courts may resolve disagreements in line with state law.

The following clauses may need to be included in an operating agreement document:

  • Clauses for losses and liabilities
  • The name of the LLC and its address
  • The LLC’s period
  • The registered agent’s name and residing address
  • Details about the Articles of Organization
  • Your business’ purpose
  • Names of the members and their respective contributions
  • Method of dividing losses and profits
  • The way new members will be admitted
  • Information about the LLC’s management

Acquire an EIN

EIN, or Employer Identification Number, is a nine-digit number that the Internal Revenue Service issues to your company so that you are obligated to pay taxes. Employer identification numbers benefit the business. Some benefits are:

  • It helps you open an official business bank account for your LLC
  • An employer identification number will also help you file taxes and manage them on a federal level.
  • One of the main purposes of an EIN is that they give you the ability to hire employees.

Types of LLC

Which type of LLC is ideal for me?

Although each LLC is unique, there are two common types of LLCs in Idaho: single-member LLCs and multi-member LLCs. I’ll provide a brief overview of each to help you understand the differences.

Single-Member LLC

As the name suggests, a single-member LLC is an LLC with only one owner. This type of LLC is suitable for individuals who are starting a business on their own and want to benefit from the liability protection that an LLC provides. In a single-member LLC, the owner is responsible for making all the decisions regarding the company’s operations, management, and finances. The owner can also choose to be treated as a disregarded entity for tax purposes, meaning that the income and expenses of the LLC are reported on the owner’s personal tax return, similar to a sole proprietorship.

Multi-Member LLC

A multi-member LLC has two or more owners, who are called members. This type of LLC is ideal for businesses with multiple partners or investors who want to share in the company’s profits, losses, and decision-making. The members of a multi-member LLC can choose to manage the company themselves (member-managed) or appoint one or more managers to run the business (manager-managed). For tax purposes, a multi-member LLC is treated as a partnership by default, meaning that the income and expenses are passed through to the member’s personal tax returns. They are responsible for paying taxes on their share of the profits.

Please note that this information is intended as a general overview and may not cover every aspect of the process or be specific to your unique situation. It’s always a good idea to consult with a legal or tax professional to ensure you’re meeting all the requirements for your particular business.

LLC Taxes

Applicable LLC taxes in Idaho

If you want to establish an LLC in Idaho, You need to be well aware of the applicable taxes and how much they are. Moreover, with the knowledge of all these costs, you must also have all your documents properly prepared. Some of the applicable limited liability taxes that you may have to pay in Idaho are as follows:

Federal income tax

By default, LLCs are considered pass-through entities for tax purposes. This means that the LLC itself does not pay federal income tax. Instead, the profits and losses are passed through to the owners (members), who then report their share of the income on their personal tax returns. Single-member LLCs are treated as sole proprietorships, while multi-member LLCs are treated as partnerships. However, you can choose to have your LLC taxed as a C corporation or an S corporation if it meets certain eligibility requirements.

State income tax

Similar to federal income tax, Idaho also treats LLCs as pass-through entities. The members of the LLC are required to report their share of the business income on their personal Idaho state income tax returns and pay the appropriate tax rate based on their individual tax brackets.

Self-employment tax

Owners of an LLC who are actively involved in the business are subject to self-employment tax, which covers Social Security and Medicare contributions. This tax is calculated based on the individual’s share of the business income and is reported on their personal tax return. You might be able to reduce self-employment tax liability by electing to have your LLC taxed as an S corporation, but it’s essential to consult with a tax professional to determine if this option is right for your situation.


Cost of forming an LLC in Idaho

There are various different costs that you may encounter when you are forming an LLC or even if you have an existing LLC in Idaho. Many of the costs an LLC must endure usually depend on the state they are based in. Here are some of the main costs you may encounter as an LLC in Idaho:

LLC Costs

Filing the Certificate of Organization


Name Reservation (optional)


Registered Agent


Annual Report (due each year)


Business licenses and permits


Operating Agreement (optional)


Starting A Business

Business Opportunities to Explore in Idaho

Starting a business as an LLC or any other business structure is not as hard as it may seem. However, one of the main things that will impact your growth is the idea of the goal of your business and what industry you may choose to enter. 

Some of the most thriving industries in Idaho are the automobile industry and the grocery store industry. Idaho can benefit newer and smaller businesses as it has a lot to offer in terms of tax benefits and other tax incentives.


Is LLC The Best Entity For Me?

Maybe, LLC isn’t the right entity for you. Maybe it is a C-Corp. Only way to find out is to directly compare them all.

LLC vs Corporation (C-Corp)

Sole proprietorships and Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) are two of the most common business entities for individuals and small businesses. Learn what differentiates the two today.

Read in detail

LLC vs Corporation (C-Corp)

LLC vs S-Corp

Not sure what business structure to choose? Learn about the key differences between LLC and S-Corp today.

Read in detail

LLC vs S-Corp

LLC vs Sole Proprietorship

The primary difference is that an LLC provides limited liability protection for its owners, while a sole proprietorship does not.

Read in detail

LLC vs Sole Proprietorship


Frequently Asked Questions About Starting An LLC In Idaho

Here are the most commonly asked questions about forming an LLC business in the state of Idaho:

Yes, the government offers many different incentives if you are a small business or a startup LLC in Idaho. You can receive up to 3000$ in tax credits if you are a small business that is creating jobs in Idaho. Moreover, you can also receive up to 3.75% in income tax credits if you purchase any equipment from Idaho. 

This can be really helpful for smaller businesses, as it can help remove the burden of being taxed heavily and help newer businesses focus more on growth and suffer fewer financial constraints in their growth stage.

Idaho requires that you must have a registered agent to represent your business. It is not possible for you not to have a registered agent. The registered agent can either be a member of your corporation, and even you can choose to act as a registered agent. However, there are a certain set of requirements that you must keep in mind when it comes to being a registered agent. 

Moreover, you can also choose an outside entity to represent you as a registered agent as long as they meet the state requirements. It is important to note that being a registered agent for your own company can be quite hectic, and a fair amount of errors can also be made, so hiring one can be much cheaper and less time-consuming.

Yes, just like in any other state, you must pay corporate income tax in Idaho, which is a flat 6%. Idaho’s corporate income tax is considerably lower compared to other states. This is one of the main reasons why Idaho can be considered a cheaper state to start an LLC.

While it may not be a requirement, it is recommended that you reserve your business name and URL in advance with Idaho because there might be a chance that someone else decided to register using the name or URL you have planned to use for your LLC before you do. That is why to protect your desired name. It is best to reserve it as it costs only $20. However, it is not a requirement, and you are not forced to do so by the state.