What Is An LLC Operating Agreement?
The term LLC, which stands for Limited Liability Company, refers to the most popular business type among startups and SMBs today. It combines the protections incorporated businesses provide to their owners with the simplicity of running a solo venture.
For an LLC to function as intended, however, its owners (called members) need to create a document called an Operating Agreement.
An Operating Agreement is an internal document that acts as an owner’s manual for your LLC. It outlines your business’s goals and the steps you need to take to achieve them. It also contains details that are essential to the function and growth of your company. You need to create one so that it can govern itself regardless of its management structure.
Does Idaho require all LLCs to have an Operating Agreement?
Idaho does not require LLCs to have Operating Agreements to be formed. The state, as per Idaho Statutes 30-25-105, however, recommends creating one so that you can govern your LLC according to your preferences. Experts also agree that your company must have one because of its importance to business operations.
What Are The Advantages Of An Operating Agreement In Idaho?
An Operating Agreement gives your Idaho LLC certain advantages you’d want to have. Here’s a quick look:
It assures you of limited liability protection
Your Operating Agreement reinforces your LLC’s limited liability status by separating you and your co-members from the company. This means that if your company ever gets sued for valid reasons, it will be responsible for any penalties incurred. You are not obliged to pay its dues using your personal assets. This greatly benefits both single-member and multi-member LLCs.
It helps you focus on your company’s goals
Your Operating Agreement is a roadmap that constantly reminds you and your co-members of the company’s purposes. This will help you focus on achieving that goal, regardless of other interesting things that could distract you, like side businesses. It even provides you with instructions on how you can reach those goals, so every effort counts.
It helps prevent confusion and defuse arguments
The instructions and provisions included in your Operating Agreement are designed to help your company streamline its performance. These details help reduce confusion, minimizing the risks of misunderstandings and disputes inside the company. And if ever disputes do arise, the document also contains instructions on how to solve such issues.
It reinforces accountability
Once signed, your Operating Agreement becomes a binding document that can be used to hold all members accountable. If ever someone violates any provision and puts the business or any member at a disadvantage, they can be held liable.
It overrides the state’s rules for your business
State laws typically govern LLCs if they do not have an Operating Agreement in place. The same goes for your Idaho LLC. By creating the document and customizing it according to your company’s needs, you will be able to operate your business the way you want to—as long as you don’t go against the law.
Create a customized operating
agreement now!
- Digital signatures
- Agreement amendments
- Multiple versions

What Are The Limitations Of An Operating Agreement In Idaho?
While an Operating Agreement gives you many benefits, it has some limitations preventing it from being the solution to all your company’s needs. Here are some things to remember:
Operating Agreements do not have control over all circumstances
Being thorough in the creation of your company’s Operating Agreement allows you to include provisions covering all possible concerns you might have. However, no matter how careful you make it, you can only include provisions for foreseeable cases such as disputes, dissolution, and so on. Certain unforeseen circumstances can still occur and cause problems for your LLC.
Operating Agreements are not permits to do something illegal
Your Operating Agreement allows you to override Idaho’s laws so you can run your LLC the way you want. However, it does not allow you to do it in a way that goes against the state’s existing laws.
Operating Agreements can still be bypassed or violated
Operating Agreements provide instructions on how your business is managed. It is binding once signed but can still be intentionally violated or bypassed by members. This happens when they are poorly made and have loopholes that can be exploited. You must be very careful with the words you choose when writing the document so no one can violate it.
What Should You Include In A Idaho LLC Operating Agreement?
Your LLC’s Operating Agreement should contain all details necessary to identify your company, its purposes, and your plans after it achieves its goals. Instructions or provisions on how it operates and is managed must be specified. It must also include details about its membership, the relationships between each member, and so on. In short, it must be the complete owner’s manual for your company.
It must contain the following details:
Your LLC’s name
Your LLC’s business address
Your LLC’s purposes and duration
Details about your LLC’s membership, particularly the names, addresses, positions, and ownership percentage figures of each member
Your LLC’s management structure
Each member’s roles and responsibilities
Instructions regarding the distribution of profits and losses
Instructions on handling meetings and voting sessions
A description of your record-keeping and financial reporting system
Details regarding limitation of liability and indemnification
Details on your dispute resolution process
Provisions for amendments and modifications to the Operating Agreement
Provision for severability
Instructions for dissolution and winding up
How To Form An Operating Agreement
Now, let’s move on to the process of forming your Operating Agreement. You have to make sure to cover all the bases when it comes to your company and its operations. Consider what your business offers clients, its size, the industry it belongs to, and how you want to run your business.
You can create your own Operating Agreement with our quick guide below. Feel free to get professional help from a lawyer if the task becomes overwhelming or confusing for you.
Details about your LLC
First, you need to provide details about your LLC. These details should include the following:
- Your LLC’s name
- Your LLC’s address
- Your Registered Agent’s name and address
The details you indicate here should be identical to those written in the Articles of Incorporation you used when registering your LLC with the Idaho Secretary of State.
Your LLC’s purposes and duration
In this section, you need to specify your LLC’s purposes for existing and what you plan to do with the company once it achieves its goals. LLCs are typically dissolved after they achieve their purposes, but you can prevent your company’s closure by indicating its duration. Providing clear descriptions of your LLC’s purposes also helps your company have a direction to follow.
Details about your LLC’s membership
Next, you need to provide information about your LLC’s members, their contributions to the company, and their ownership percentages.
- Members’ names
- Members’ addresses
- Members’ capital contributions
- Member’s ownership percentages
After these, you will need to provide guidelines or instructions on how your company should handle membership issues, including
- How to add new members
- What to do when transferring membership interests
- How to go about withdrawing one’s membership
This part should discuss how a member can withdraw from the LLC. The withdrawal process and the consequences of withdrawing must be indicated here.
Your LLC Management Structure
In this section, you will need to specify the management structure the members have chosen for the LLC. This is important as it determines the roles each member plays in the company. There are two management structures for LLCs:
- Member-managed: In this setup, the members play an active role and are the ones managing the company. They are involved in the day-to-day processes of the business.
- Manager-managed: In this setup, members select and appoint someone who will manage the LLC. The members then take a more passive role, merely receiving reports about the company’s situation. Members are involved only in decision-making.
Member roles and responsibilities
After specifying your LLC’s management structure, you will describe each member’s roles and responsibilities in the company. This will help clarify the division of tasks in the company and limit the expectations given to everyone.
Instructions for-profit and Loss distribution
In this section, you will provide instructions on how the company will divide and distribute profits and losses among members. These are typically distributed according to ownership share. By inserting these provisions, you ensure that confusion and disputes about personal revenues are avoided.
Instructions on handling meetings and voting sessions
Your LLC’s membership must hold meetings to discuss many things about your business. The membership will also need to convene together for special voting sessions to make decisions for the company. In this section, you will provide instructions on how to do that.
Details about your record-keeping and financial reporting
Next, provide a clear and detailed description of your LLC’s accounting system. You must specify your fiscal year and how the LLC has elected to be taxed. Details on how you monitor transactions, keep records, and report financial updates to the company’s members should also be included.
Details regarding limitation of liability and indemnification
In this section, you need to describe the limited liability status of your LLC’s members. You must also specify how and when they will receive indemnification for spending personal funds on behalf of the company. This part reinforces the benefits the LLC gives to its members.
Your LLC’s dispute resolution process
Disputes can arise no matter how thorough an Operating Agreement is. Because of this, you must include a section where you will focus on providing instructions on how disputes will be resolved. This includes details on whether outsiders will be invited to intervene or not.
Provisions for amendments and modifications
As your LLC operates, you will discover that certain changes must be made to how you do things as a company. This means updating your Operating Agreement as well. You must include provisions allowing the amending or modifying of your company’s Operating Agreement so that it stays relevant and useful to your business.
Severability clauses
This is in line with the amendments above. You also need to include severability clauses indicating that the provisions in your Operating Agreement are independent of one another. This allows you to remove some provisions deemed ineffective without having to worry about them affecting others.
Instructions for dissolution and winding up
Lastly, your Operating Agreement must include instructions on handling the closure of the LLC. Several triggers could lead to your company’s dissolution, such as a court order following a lawsuit. Providing instructions will help you deal with the process easier.
The instructions you provide should include details on how you can settle matters before closing the business. Specify how you can liquidate the LLC’s assets and distribute them to members.
Why is an operating agreement needed?
Enforceable in Court
The terms outlined in a written LLC operating agreement is usually enforceable in a court of Law.
Opening Bank account
Certain financial institutions require you to produce an operating agreement to verify whether you have “signing power” for the LLC.
Avoid disputes
If the terms of compensation, roles, and responsibilities are mentioned in the operating agreement, it avoids disputes among LLC members in the future.
Preserve limited liability status
Especially if you are a single-member LLC, having an operating agreement helps ensure your liability status is upheld in court.
Create a customized operating
agreement now!
- Digital signatures
- Agreement amendments
- Multiple versions

How Much Is An Idaho LLC Operating Agreement?
Operating Agreements are technically free, provided that you create them personally. And since Idaho doesn’t require them, you actually don’t need to spend for one. Creating a well-written Operating Agreement that covers all the bases, however, might need some professional help from a lawyer.
Frequently asked questions
No. Regardless of their number of members, LLCs do not need to create an Operating Agreement to be registered as a business in Idaho. They need one to function properly, however.
No. Operating Agreements typically do not expire until the LLC closes. They can be amended, however, provided the members include provisions allowing changes to be made in the document.